Once again Dr. Taylor didn’t disappoint. Excellent…fantastic…superb…informative…are just a few comments from attendees. His program on positive developmental leadership is especially relevant for leaders navigating in today’s multi-generational workforce. His presentation style is warm, humorous and engaging. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Mary Kathryn Robinson
Program Manager, Business Relations, Valley Health System

Yours was the best presentation I have ever viewed at any conference during my career. Your content was factual, comprehensive and thought-provoking. Your slides were clear and attractive. Your delivery was smart and punchy. Your sense of humor was amazing. Your connection to the audience was masterful.

Lawrence Center
leadership coach and former Assistant Dean, Georgetown Law

The program on the multigenerational workplace Dr. Taylor presented was right on the money for our state wide economic development conference. He clearly understands the generational issues in the workforce, from the statewide level all the way to day-to-day interactions. His suggestions will help a lot of our attendees in recruitment, retention and management.

Jessica L. Craig
Executive Director, Economic Development, Sedalia – Pettis County, Missouri

Dr. Taylor’s program on the multigenerational workplace was right on target for our Chamber members. It was well researched and totally up to date. Everyone loved how he kept participants engaged and provided super valuable content and suggestions. His humor really helped break down barriers and people were able relate the ideas to their own lives. I highly recommend for any Chamber.

Tina H. Combs, IOM
President and CEO, Mountainsburg-Berkley County (WV) Chamber of Commerce

Welcome Chamber of Commerce Leaders

Are you looking for a meaningful Chamber event with great content on a topic that your members are requesting that addresses real issues in every one of their workplaces?

  • Do you want a topic that will draw high attendance?
  • Do you need a dynamic, award winning, engaging and hilarious presenter who routinely receives the highest evaluations?
  • Do you need a presenter who is an acknowledged expert in the field with credible academic publications and years of platform experience?
  • o your members want take-aways that are easy to understand that they can put into immediate action?

Presentations can be a short as a luncheon keynote or as long as a three hour workshop.

E-mail me at mark@taylorprograms.com call or text 501 626-5889

Planning for Success in the Multigenerational Workplace

Today’s workplace can be an exciting, though not always harmonious, mixture of generational cohorts. Successfully navigating and managing requires being able to understand, relate to and communicate with everyone, from each generational group. Appreciating generational values, traits, preferences and styles can improve recruitment, worker effectiveness and workplace harmony, employee satisfaction and retention. This program will address generational issues and dynamics with specific, immediately applicable suggestions improving cross-generational communication and for developing the most productive, positive and effective work setting for everyone’s benefit.

Leading to Happiness: Practicing Positive Developmental Leadership

Research in the fields of positive psychology and happiness studies offer powerful insights into the abilities of people to live happier and more meaningful lives, with implications for improving leadership. Personal happiness and positivity have declined precipitously during the pandemic disturbances with record levels of stress, anxiety, depression and unhappiness being reported and evident now in many workplaces. This program will offer an overview of the research based principles of positive psychology and happiness studies with implications for personal living, the workplace, and leadership, and for helping create an organizational climate most conducive to worker engagement and retention, teamwork and for promoting positive mental health.

Moving Toward Happiness: Applying the Research in Positive Psychology and Happiness Studies

Personal happiness and positivity have declined precipitously in recent years with record levels of stress, anxiety, depression reported across employees at all levels. Research in the fields of positive psychology and happiness studies offer powerful insights into the abilities of people to live happier and more meaningful lives. While these ideas and practices will not totally replace traditional counseling, mental health, and EAP services, they can augment those approaches and can help many people recover, cope and thrive. This session will offer an overview of the research based principles of positive psychology and happiness studies with implications for personal living, healthier interaction and in creating a positive workplace environment.

Understanding Issues of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in a Multigenerational Framework

While understanding typical generational influences, values, traits, preferences and styles can improve our self-understanding, leadership and personal effectiveness across a variety of social roles, appreciation of generational variations across dimensions of diversity, can augment that understanding. This program will offer an overview of generational issues and dynamics, with specific emphasis on how minority and less privileged peoples have experienced these impacts and manifested the typical generational traits, and on how members of the generational cohorts have viewed and acted on issues of diversity, equity and inclusion.

Generations NeXt and Z Go to Work

Today’s younger workers from Generation NeXt (aka: Millennials) and Generation Z are entering the workforce with characteristics and expectations that present unique challenges to those responsible for recruiting, orienting and initiating them into the professional world, as well as those supervising, managing and retaining them once they get there. This session will provide attendees with a better understanding of the development and predictable issues of these cohorts, in generational perspective, and describe what organizations and managers can do to recruit and help them transition into and be successful in the professional workplace.

Managing Escalating Situations

Leaders and managers often encounter times in the workplace where bad feelings, interpersonal disagreements, and various conflicts escalate into situations with the possibility for negative outcomes for the employees, the manager or the organization. It is possible that, in the course of offering supervision and criticism, managers initiate these situations themselves! The consequences of poorly managed conflicts can include the manager’s decreased leadership capabilities, inability of the employee to continue with the organization, or even violence and physical harm. The ability to successfully manage escalating situations can be an important set of management and leadership skills. This workshop will help leaders understand the dynamics of potential and real crisis situations, and help them develop skills that they can apply to deescalate crisis to reduce the likelihood of negative consequences to the employee, themselves or the organization.

Listening/ Counseling Skills for Managers

Managers are frequently called upon to help employees solve personal problems, especially when these problems are revealed in the course of supervision and are impacting work performance. Though managers are not (or should not be) expected to be professional counselors, knowing how to effectively listen and respond can help managers bring employees to improved workplace performance. This workshop will help managers understand the principles of effective listening and peer (non-professional) helping, and help them develop a set of skills they can apply to listen to and assist their employees in the most appropriate and effective ways.

Workplace Article Available for Download

Generation NeXt goes to work: issues in workplace readiness and performance from the 2007 higher learning commission collection of papers.
Click the link below to download the PDF of this april 2007 article on improving the workplace readiness of gen next.

Technical and other Planning Details

  • I will present from a MacBook Pro (with me on stage or the front of the room) so will need access to a projector and screen. I have the appropriate adapters and am compatible with any projector; VGA or HDMI. I will not need sound out of the computer and will need web access.
  • I will need a wireless lapel microphone. If bottled water is readily available, that would be great. If parking around the event site may be stressed I would appreciate a reserved space as I will be bringing in my equipment.
  • I do not limit audience size and I make copies of my slides available after the event. No handouts will need to be prepared.
  • No deposit is required and full payment is expected on the date of the event. If I am unable to present due to travel interruptions or illness, there is no charge to the chamber, organization or company. If the chamber, organization or company wishes to cancel after confirmation, there will be a charge of 50% of the fee, plus any nonrefundable travel cost incurred.