Once again Dr. Taylor didn’t disappoint. Excellent…fantastic…superb…informative…are just a few comments from attendees. His program on positive developmental leadership is especially relevant for leaders navigating in today’s multi-generational workforce. His presentation style is warm, humorous and engaging. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.

Mary Kathryn Robinson
Program Manager, Business Relations
Valley Health System

Yours was the best presentation I have ever viewed at any conference during my career. Your content was factual, comprehensive and thought-provoking. Your slides were clear and attractive. Your delivery was smart and punchy. Your sense of humor was amazing. Your connection to the audience was masterful.

Lawrence Center
leadership coach and former Assistant Dean
Georgetown Law

The following are complete and unedited feedback comments from my keynote at the Association for Continuing Legal Education Mid-Year Meeting in Jacksonville, FL on January 26, 2020.

Dr. Taylor uses humor and scholarship to fully engage faculty on the topic of student learning. Exceptional presenter! Dr. Taylor’s presentation on Generation NeXt was timely, interesting, engaging and thought-provoking.

Elizabeth A. Gockel-Blessing, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM
Associate Dean for Graduate Education, Interim Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs
Program Director, MS in Health Sciences, Program Director | Associate Professor, Clinical Laboratory Science
Doisy College of Health Sciences, Saint Louis University

Thank you for engaging our staff in an enlightening and humorous presentation. The information you presented, combined with real-life examples of students in our classrooms, will be beneficial as we begin our semester.

Dr. Douglas Olson
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs, Triton College

Feedback and Data

The feedback I get from my Generation Next programs is routinely very high; people value the content, enjoy the program and understand the applications. Some feedback and testimonicals are included below.

For my Teaching and Learning Workshop I have some data on faculty changes in attitudes and plans. I ask participants to rate their agreement on a five-point Likert-type scale with statements related to the impact of the workshop on them; several are included below. They report “agree” or “strongly agree” at the following levels with the following statements.

  • 85% I have a better understanding of the characteristics of our students.
  • 84% I have a better understanding of the learning model.
  • 86% I have a better understanding of the role of student activity in learning.
  • 81% I have a better understanding of the limits of lecture as an instructional method.
  • 74% I plan to lecture less.
  • 92% I have a better understanding of the role of engagement in student learning.
  • 84% I plan use more active learning techniques in my classes.

These numbers are very encouraging and are, hopefully, reflected in classroom practice. (It might be noted that many of the faculty report that they already use many active learning techniques and limit their lecture, especially in technical fields.)

Feedback and Testimonials

The unedited written feedback from a program at the Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago (a Cordon Bleu culinary school!)

I think Dr.Taylor was right on. He had genuinely helpful information and was able to present it in a way that was enjoyable. He was one of the best informed speakers I have seen and could connect to every person in the room. I would like to have Dr. Taylor back on a yearly basis to discuss other topics.

I think that the speaker should come back and address the whole school

In-service was very good. The speaker was great.

First of all, kudos to you on an in-service well done! The topic was so relevant and Dr. Taylor was extremely engaging. I think we all learned a lot about Gen-Nexters in addition to learning a bit about ourselves. Dr. Taylor also was very inspiring from a “lecture” point of view, in that we can all learn from his style of address. Very enjoyable, indeed.

You could probably tell we were having a good time listening to Dr. Taylor and his accent. But I thought he really made some good points. He was great and I hope you can do as well for the next one.

I think you and Dr. Taylor should both be commended. Dr. Taylor was hilarious, fascinating and really provocative. I know the goal was to give us insights into better relating to our students, but I really feel it will help a number of relationships. I talked about his presentation for much of the night and have been thinking on it all day. I think much of his stated conclusions were self-evident; the process and background was the illuminating portion of his presentation. I really enjoyed it.

The in-service was great! Dr. Taylor is an exceptionally well informed man from both an academic as well as an experiential perspective. His presentation addressed many, many issues that concern our particular institution as well as education as a whole. I felt that his emphasis on consistency in school policy and accountability is right on target. Thanks for a great day.

I thought the speaker was excellent! It was a very nice day and learned a great deal about the students that I have in my classes.

Great In-Service! I felt inspired and refreshed after the morning and afternoon session with Dr. Taylor. This is what it is all about! Learning how to become better teachers should be our goal – and you helped accomplish that. Well-organized day – good lunch (thanks to the committee) – everyone that I have talked with had the same impression.

Thoroughly entertaining education?.at the very least teachers would see how important it is to captivate and engage a class for 2 ½ hours and have them retain information through humor?..I think he should have addressed the staff as well as faculty

That was the most informative and interesting speaker since I’ve started here almost 2 years ago.

Great job!

Doctor Taylor did something quite remarkable. He explained the behaviors I have observed in my students, but was unable to synthesize into a cohesive explanation. He did that beautifully. I now understand my students MUCH better.

Some feedback from other presentations

One of our counselors told me yesterday…this was the best presentation I’ve heard in 32 years. What a terrific tribute to your ability to engage faculty and staff.

community college president

You have no idea how many times you have been quoted in the past few days. Over and over I have heard what a wonderful opening workshop we had this year.
chief academic officer

Best keynote I have seen in 23 years!
housing officer

Dr. Taylor really helped us get inside the heads of Generation Next. His information will have a major impact on our recruitment and retention efforts.
private college director of admissions

Extraordinary information.
housing officer